Tax Sale Review Form
- Environmental citations included on a Final Bill and Legal Notice (FBLN) are reviewed for notice and legality.
- Notice: whether proper notice was provided by the issuing agency so that the respondent knew or should have known about the citation.
- Legality of the citation: the correct person was cited, the correct property was cited, and/or the citation is valid on its face.
- If the notice was properly provided and the citation was legally issued, no changes will be made to the amount due.
- Please provide an explanation below regarding the notice and legality of the citations being reviewed. Include any documentation with your explanation.
- Please feel free to provide information regarding your BLOCK and LOT as it is displayed on the FBLN. A copy of the FBLN is not needed.

- All requested information must be completed for a review to be conducted.
Please note: You will receive a decision via regular mail within two weeks. If you do not receive a letter from the ECB within that time period, you must follow up by phone, e-mail, NO IN-PERSON SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED at this time. Your checkmark below indicates that you have been informed of this responsibility.